Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hi. welcome to my blog

hi~ every one
welcome to my blog~
Last time I was absent so now I made my blog.
First, Introduce my self.
My name is Linda and twenty two years old ^^
Of course I'm from Korea and I've live in Calgary for four months.
My favorite is watching a movie or sleeping? haha;;
When I worride about something, I just go to bed and take a deep sleeping.
After a while, I wake up and I try to solve out about problems.
I love chocolate very much! But I can't eat very much becasue I'm fat easily.
When I was in China, I couldn't control eating chocolate.. so.. I was fat very much..
At that time, I felt very comfortable and relax, I enjoyed in China.
Because I had many time, I went travel alone two times, it was very fantastic.
I like to see sightseeing and there are many race of people.
But, I don't have any picture because I lost my camera end of travel.. so I lost all picture..
I want to enjoy in here but I don't have too much time..
I go back to my country as soon as I finish this semester.
If you have a chance, you go to another country and enjoy it.

This picture is when I was a high shcool student and child.
It looks like a boy.. I know;;
My friend made it.

1 comment:

Ra'ed said...

Hi Linda
Wow you look totally different but, you still Kiawa haha

However I think you should take a lot of pictures with your friends before you go to your country